Thursday, November 3, 2011

All About Me project

An assignment for my photography class was to photograph something about me. I chose to take a picture of my flute because I've been playing it for seven years.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Carter's Mtn. Field Trip!

I went on a field trip to Carter's Mtn. for my photography class and we had to make sculptures and then photograph them. Here are some of my photos!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shutter Speed Assignment

 For an assignment in my photography class at school, I had a shutter speed project. In these photos is my lovely assistant, Mariah. Shutter speed is how fast the shutter in the camera stays open to let light in. The slower shutter speed you have, the less in focus your subject will be. It slows down the action. The faster the shutter speed, the more in focus you subject will be. It freezes action. In the above photos you will see the change from slow to fast shutter speeds (except for the last one because it's in the wrong place).